The large, affectionate Ragdoll goes limp with pleasure when you cuddle him in your arms, the trait that led to his name. He’s a big kitty, with males ranging up to 20 pounds, females slightly smaller, starting at 10 pounds and going up to 15 pounds.

The Ragdoll gazes up at you with beautiful baby blues, eager to follow wherever you go. He’s a friendly cat who will greet you happily at the door, play fetch and sleep with you at night. Sturdy and tolerant, he can be a child’s best friend, willing to be dressed up in doll clothes and pushed around in a baby buggy. Just make sure your child doesn’t take advantage of his good nature.


The laidback Ragdoll can even get along well with dogs and, like them, can learn to walk on a leash. He’s a great choice if you travel frequently and would like to bring a feline companion along. 

The breed was created in the 1960s from matings of three cats of unknown heritage. Today the semi-longhaired cats come in four patterns (mitted, van, bicolor and colorpoint) and six colors (seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, red and cream) for a variety of looks in the breed. The cats mature slowly, reaching their full size when they are four years old. 

The Ragdoll is well suited to any home with people who will love him and give his gorgeous coat a weekly combing. Keep him indoors to protect him from cars, diseases spread by other cats and attacks from other animals.

Other Quick Facts

  • Ragdolls love people, including kids, and can get along well with dogs

  • Ragdolls are big cats, weighing up to 20 pounds. They need to be supported with both hands when they’re being held.

  • Ragdolls can live to be 12 to 15 years or more.

The History of Ragdolls

The Ragdoll breed is not quite 50 years old. The cats were created in California in 1963. Breeder Ann Baker wanted to develop a beautiful cat with a loving, gentle personality, and she started with domestic longhairs of unknown ancestry. Josephine, the foundation cat, was white with Siamese-type markings, and in her genes she carried a seal mitted or black tuxedo pattern. The Ragdolls of today descend from Josephine and her son, Daddy Warbucks, as well as other unknown domestic longhair males. 

The Cat Fanciers Association began registering Ragdolls in 1993, and they achieved championship status in 2000. Today Ragdolls are the fifth most popular breed registered by CFA.

Ragdoll Personality and Temperament

Ragdolls are sometimes nicknamed “puppycats” because of the way they follow their people from room to room. Not even the bathroom offers privacy from one of these gentle lovebugs. Unlike many cats, their preferred position is not on high but one that provides human contact: on the floor lying on your feet, at your side on the sofa or, ideally, in your lap. Not for this cat the curtain-climbing shenanigans or boisterous games of chase of other breeds. Ragdolls have a moderate energy level and a laidback demeanor. These are the cats you’ll see being dressed up in baby clothes and pushed around in a baby buggy by the kids. They are not loud, communicating in a voice described as soft and musical. 

The Ragdoll keeps his kittenlike playfulness into adulthood and old age. He enjoys a good game of fetch and may be willing to learn to walk on a leash. He should live safely indoors where he is protected from disease and cars.